Importance of Self-Discipline

famous books and their authors in india

“With self-discipline most anything is possible.”- Theodore Roosevelt   All of us seek success! Although success means different things to different people! For some of us being successful is, generating wealth for ourselves, for some others, it is getting fame, etc. etc. But success eludes most people for some reason! Success is a result of […]

Shift Focus from Destination to Journey to Enjoy Life!

indian authors and their books

Today our lives are supported by machines to make them easy. We have machines for washing, cleaning, manufacturing products, etc.   The purpose behind creating machines and automation is to reduce our efforts and create more time for us.   So, when these machines started coming along, we were happy because we had more time […]

Will Things go Back to Normal After COVID-19?

indian authors in english

COVID 19 pandemic has impacted all aspects of our lives in more ways than one! While it is responsible for widespread deaths around the globe, it has not spared the economies of all the affected countries. People all across the world are waiting with bated breath for the discovery of the vaccine and wondering if […]

Unlock your Potential during Lockdown

books and authors in india

The lockdown imposed in several countries due to the pandemic has brought life to a standstill! It has impacted different people in different ways. Many are finding it difficult to cope with the new lifestyle of staying indoors without having an opportunity to interact with others or indulging in activities such as watching movies, shopping, […]

Take on the Future!

top indian authors

Our experience of the past year has shaken us and made us reassess several aspects of our lives. We have spent a major part of the year waiting, watching, and hoping that things would go back to “normal” as we know it!   Well! The truth is that it is over one year since the […]